Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ok, I know, I'm not good at posting......

So, where to start? I'm excited, depressed, tense, anxious, content, happy, nervous, thrilled, and sad.
I was "let go" from W*****e on Friday.

My director pasted me on to a "new" manager. Tne new manager and I did not agree on many things, to say the least. We are both stubborn and independent women. The difference? I've been running the program for almost 3 years. She was brought into the program in January - of this year. What has her role at W*****e been previously? An occasional phone volunteer for a few hours a week, who liked to tell people about thier totem animals, meh.

So, yeah, my pride is wounded... but.... I'm hurt, the organization that I've been intimately involved in on so many levels, has let someone take over my program and "dismissed" me. I'm no longer a volunteer, a foster care person, a backup medical person, or a problem solver for that organization. I'm rogue.

I'm thrilled because now I'm a business owner, whereas before I felt loyalty towards W****e and couldn't see myself doing my own thing, hmmm... yeah, that no longer applies. Don't get me wrong, i wish W******e all the best, it is a wonderful place and I hope they do well in thse troubled times. The program I specifically worked in? That can crash into the fiery inferno of hell for all I care. (Sorry M, but it's true)
I'm free. It's a great feeling, but sort of empty right now. It's like I'm gun ho for going forward, but thier is so much that I'm going to miss.

I've been cranking away on getting everything done, and kind of surprised myself! The only thing I'm missing is a logo, but am working on it! Thank god for good friends!!! And not having to answer to anyone, well Rob.... but, I can bribe him! So, now that I'm home a little more, I'll try to keep up with my postings!

Love you all and thank you for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're posting again! Good for you. You'll do well on your own, I have no doubt! If you need logo help, you know where I am!
