Friday, December 26, 2008


So here I am. I'm a wildlife specialist, who pulls wild animals out of people's homes, then sets them free. Yep, Raccoons, Skunks, Opossums, Bats, and anything else that people don't appreciate having in their residence....

It's just after Xmas, and I actually went out into the post-holiday shopping world. Wasn't too bad, I scored on some tights!! Yes, I'm simple and easily amused. I think what amazed me the most was how nice people were, they were actually polite! Maybe I'm becoming cynical, but I just expected people to be rude and pushy....

Just to let you know what I plan to post on this blog....
1. Day to day things of interest, sure to be completely random.
2. Wildlife tales, what wildlife adventures I've had.
3. Any complaining that I feel needs to be shared with the world...
4. Anything else I come up with... I'm alowed, it's my blog.

Stay tuned, I might actually have something interesting to say.


  1. Welcome to the 21st century! I'm glad you're here. Update often, we try to do the same!


  2. I'm looking forward to hearing your crazy animal tails... haha, I mean tales. All joking aside welcome and Happy New Year!
