Friday, June 12, 2009

Sometimes I don't like men much!

What is with men not understanding the difference between financial support and emotional support? Why can't they just say good job! And when we ask for a pat on the back, why does it always come back as "I've got your back" but they only translate it to... well, I paid for that, therefore I'm supporting you? I just want to understand!!!!!!

When I have something good happen, just say; "wow, that great" and then shut-the-hell-up! I don't need to know what the next steps should be, or have the moment analyzed, I just need to feel that I'm doing a good job, so that I can continue to be motivated in order to keep doing a good job!!! Yes, I need the cookie!

My girlfriends get this, at least they give the correct responses, so it appears so.

Just let me enjoy a moment or support me and talk to me about stuff, don't tell me what to do "cause, you know better" I need to learn and grow and can't do that if I'm being led everywhere, I'll just get lost in the woods when you get eaten by a bear!

Alright, I'm done!

Another day in friggin paradise...

Yeah, yeah... just so you all know, it's been a cool and comfortable 66 degrees here for quite some time, wouldn't know it was June in CALIFORNIA!!!!!! I can't complain though, sure makes working outside a whole lot more comfortable.

So, my business is up and running! What is really funny, is the majority of my "clients" are people that I worked with previously, when I was with W*****. They called W****, someone came and did the inspection, and clients were unhappy with the results... then they called me!! So, I have to think my previous employer, for doing such a crummy job, my clients trust me - and knew I could help them! My inner "bitch" is a little smug about this. Hmmm.. do I like this about myself? Why not! Well, yeah!